
Painting allows the fluidity to delineate form and air, providing a rich surface from which to observe life. It is within that context of nurturing that these works are created. Many of my figures are robed as a symbol of protection, to cover or offer, much as the carpets and curtains and quilts of our spaces remind us of home. Others find their way into gardens, surrounded by the green of growth, using pattern, color and space as complex and ritualized symbol.



Periodically I shift my gaze from the community of friends and family to explore the gardens and city spaces that occupy much of our sensory experience of life. Time seems to pause and refocus us within the noise of traffic and the private spaces of the gardens we grow, creating patterns and amplifying the energy of life. These spaces reflect our rich complexity as human beings. Below are the spaces that I’ve walked through, watched and helped grow, been excited to become a part of, and viewed with a mix of attentiveness and delight.